Grab this free autographed We Were Wild CD while it's free – You just pay shipping!
I'm just a songwriter out in Texas, channeling Americana-ish vibes in my tunes. My songs? They're personal, often really dig-deep personal. Just floating through life, exploring tales of hope, love, and all that stuff that enriches our days. I take it all — the bright, the dark, the painful — and try to find what's true, meaningful and beautiful. You could say it's my life's mission.
Speaking of personal, let’s rewind about a decade. Back then, the wheels completely came off my life.
Everything crumbled like an avalanche—I 'bout lost all: job, friends, house, kids, wife, dog... It was a downright mess!
But, believe it or not, that mess turned into a turning point unlike any other.
It had a surprisingly good ending. My wife, Halli, who had filed for divorce, found her way back home. So did the kids, the friends, the jobs, and yes, even the dog.
Halli and I mended what was broken in our hearts and discovered something far more precious than any life dream we’d ever imagined...
You can grab this free autographed copy of We were Wild now by filling out your details below. You pay shipping and handling and CD is free.
... or read on for the rest of the story.
I was always taught that toot'n your own horn wasn't the best manners, so thankfully, the press has done some of that for me—letting me keep my good manners intact.
Hollywood Digest
"Ezra Vancil is confirmed as a master composer and intelligent songwriter through 'We Were Wild,' solidifying his position in the music scene."
Artist Rack
"[Ezra Vancil’s] 'You' revitalizes folk music with earnest enthusiasm, transforming its frequencies into a fresh flow of countenance that the genre has been eagerly awaiting."
Indie Pulse
“The Family Songbook' is a peerless endeavor, standing out for its heartfelt dive into the complexities of family life."
Anyway, through all the chaos, we found something real—something so profound that it seemed our lives had to fall apart to truly discover it.
This era has captivated me so deeply that it's inspired many songs, as I've tried to understand, celebrate, and share the hope found in these experiences. These songs have evolved into three albums.
This brings us to 'We Were Wild.' It’s the third album in this trilogy, exploring a profound journey of the heart—how to heal, forgive, and uncover the blessings hidden in the tragedies of life.
So what happens when two broken hearts become one? 'One Big Heart' is the answer I found on this album.
Like I mentioned, 'We Were Wild' is the third album in a trilogy, but feel free to dive right in. We all share common desires—to love and be loved—and despite the heartaches, we cling to the hope of that elusive treasure. I hope this album inspires you to celebrate what’s in your heart.
But there's one thing we don't all share; not everyone has a CD player. I don’t have one myself. So why give away CDs? I want to offer you something that’s not just another part of the free digital world. It’s a limited release, not available online, but don’t worry—I'll also send you the digital files, so you can enjoy the music right away.
Think of the CD as something personal, from me to you. You can display it, play it, or even use it as a coaster. It’ll serve as a reminder of this story and your own, complete with a fancy autograph from some Texas guy who shared his tale.
And hey, if you don't like it... I'll give you your shipping money back. Just hit me up.
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